R.K.S.D. College of Pharmacy has outstanding infrastructure which includes spacious class rooms, well-equipped laboratories and well-stocked library to provide excellence in Pharmacy education.
Class rooms: College has spacious and well-ventilated classrooms with comfortable seating arrangement & modern white boards to facilitate focused learning. College has a fully equipped classroom with multimedia projector & all teaching aids for making learning easy and effective.
Number of Class room and size of each: 8 Class Rooms each of 66 Sq. m with capacity of 60 students
Number of Tutorial room and size of each: 8 of 64 Sqm Each
2 of 43 Sqm Each
- Library: College has a well-stocked library which caters to the need of the students, research scholars and the faculty. It has a huge collection of books, journals, magazines, Pharmacopoeias for reference. It has open access to the faculty and research scholars. Students are provided with reading space and peaceful and comfortable environment. It has a computer based catalogue of all books and periodicals for easy maintenance.
- Number of Library books : 15529
- Number of titles : 942
- Number of National Journal subscribe : 15
- Number of International Journal subscribe : 06
- E-Library facilities : Provided
- Laboratories: College has well-equipped laboratories for all relevant subjects as per the requirement of regulatory bodies. They are fully stocked with ample glassware and chemicals required for smooth functioning. Laboratories are maintained and required safety measures are taken care of.
Detail of Laboratories:
Sr. No. | Name of Course | Name of Laboratory | Total Area (in Sqm.) | Major Equipments |
1 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmaceutics-I | 85+10 | Hand grinders, Conical percolators, Hot plates, Incubator, Hot air oven, Copper water baths, Suppository moulds, Pestle & mortars (simple), Triple beam balances, Dispensing balances, Sieves Heating mantles, De-ionizer. |
2 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmaceutics-II | 85+10 | Infrared moisture balance, oven, bulk density apparatus, filtration assemblies, calorimeter, wet & dry thermometer, vacuum oven, sieve sets |
3 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmaceutics-III | 85+10 | Cosmetics manufacturing apparatuses & Equipments. |
4 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I | 85+10 | Semi Micro Analysis Kit, Pair of Tongs, Nasser’s Cylinder, Hot air oven, Fire Extinguisher, Hot plate, Centrifugal machine, Distillation Unit, Vacuum pump, Magnetic stirrer, Melting point, Atomic Model, Heating mantles 500 ml or 250 ml, Kipp’s apparatus, Desiccators. |
5 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II | 85+10 | Burette’s stand, Pipette stand, Distillation unit, Oven, TLC Kit, UV Cabinet, Iodine flask, Measuring Cylinders, Conical flask, Analytical Balances |
6 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III | 85+10 | Distillation & extraction assemblies desiccators, oven, Melting .pt. apparatus etc. |
7 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmacology-I | 85+10 | B.P apparatuses, E.S.R. pipette, Binocular microscope, Bone set, Centrifugal machine, E.S.R. stands, Haemocytometer, Microscopes, Stethoscope, Spiro meter, Stopwatches, Dissection boxes, Rexine charts, Fiber model of Ear, Nose, Heart, Reproductive system – Male & Female, Brain, Eye, Human skeleton (Articulated) etc. |
8 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmacology-II | 85+10 | organ baths, kymographs, pole climbing apparatus, Eddy hot plate apparatus, Histamine chamber, Willium Maze, etc. |
9 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmacognosy-I | 85+10 | Desiccators, Soxhlet app., Camera Lucida, Student microscope, Dissecting microscopy, Mixer grinder, Hand grinder, Chart, Fire, Extinguisher, Stage micrometer, Ocular micrometer eyepiece, Crude drugs, Specimens. |
10 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmacognosy-II | 85+10 | Soxhlet extractors, distillation apparatus, TLC kit plates & chambers etc. |
11 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Pharmaceutical Analysis & Bio Chemistry | 85+10 | Burette’s stand, Pipette stand, Distillation unit, Oven, TLC Kit, UV Cabinet, Iodine flask, Measuring Cylinders, Conical flask, Analytical balances |
12 | B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Microbiology/ Biotech | 85+10 | Autoclaves, Aseptic Cabinet, Colony Counter, Incubator, B.O.D. incubator, Microscopes, oven, Refrigerator, Laminar air flow bench, Air conditioner. Turbidity meter, Antibiotic Zone reader. |
13 | PG Lab. | Pharmaceutics | 85+10 | Stability chamber, vortex shaker, dissolution apparatus, disintegration app, bulk density apparatus, Anderson pipette, sieve shaker, magnetic stirrer etc. |
14 | PG Research Lab. | Pharmaceutics | 85+10 | UV Spectrophotometer, FTIR, Digital microscope, flash evaporator, dissolution apparatus etc. |
15 | M. Pharmacy/ B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Instrumentation Room | 75 | FTIR, pH meter, Conductivity meter, Potentiometer, Karl-Fisher Apparatus, Polarimeter, Refractrometer, double beam UV spectrophotometer, Colorimeter, Dissolution apparatus, Electronic balance & Electrical balance, Probe Sonicator, Viscometer etc. |
16 | M. Pharmacy/ B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Machine Room | 80 | Tablet punching machines, Capsule filling machines, Tablet coating machine, Ointment filling, Liquid filling, Mixtures, Hot air oven, Vial sealing, Cube Mixture, disintegrator, Sigma blade mixture, Colloid Mill, FBD, Planetary Mixer etc. |
17 | M. Pharmacy/ B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Museum | 85 | Specimens, Crude drug, Active Pharmaceutical ingredients, Rexine charts, Products & Packing etc. |
18 | M. Pharmacy/ B. Pharmacy/ D. Pharmacy | Animal House | 100 | Air conditioner, Cages, holders, feeding bottles, cooking utensils etc. |
List of Experimental setup:
As per Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Science, Rohtak & Haryana State Board of Technical Education, Syllabus lists of experiments are mounted in each Laboratory.
Seminar Hall
College has a seminar hall with sufficient capacity which provides space for seminars, guest lectures and other activities. It is well-furnished, air conditioned and fully equipped with multimedia projector with screen and well maintained audio-visual system.
Herbal Garden
College has a well maintained and spacious herbal garden having approximately 40 different species of plants with medicinal and ornamental value.
Computer Lab
Computer Lab is designed to gratify the need of students according to the PCI specification. The lab is fully air conditioned with latest hardware and software and printer facilities. It also provides internet facilities to the students.
Number of Computer centre with capacity of each: 01, with capacity of 30 students
Computing Facilities:
Internet bandwidth | 12 Mbps |
Number & configuration of systems Internet bandwidth | 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Broadband 16MBPS |
Total number of systems connected by LAN | 35 |
Total number of systems connected by WAN | Nil |
Major software packages available | Windows 10 Single Language, MS-Office 2010 |
Special purpose facilities available | Internet facility |
Major software packages available : Language C Software, Digital Language
SFEIIAT Software
Special Software available : Library software, Pharmacology Software
(Ex-Pharm series)
- Barrier Free Built Environment for disabled and elderly persons: Ramp & Toilet provided
- Occupancy Certificate: Available
- Fire and Safety Certificate: Available
- Hostel Facilities: Not provided
- Innovation Cell: Exist
- Social Media Cell: Exist
- Compliance of the National Academic Depository: N.A.
Games and Sports facilities | : | Indoor & outdoor games |
Extracurricular activities | : | Periodically Conducted |
Soft skill development facilities | : | Provided |
- Teaching Learning Process
Curricula and syllabi for each of the programmes as approved by the University:
For B. Pharmacy & M. Pharmacy: Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak w.e.f. 2014 (Annual) & 2017 (Semester) are being adopted.
For D. Pharmacy: Syllabus of PCI as per Education Regulations 2020 is being followed.